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If you are ready to transform your health, then you have found the right person to help you!



I’m Lisa Fenelon, a registered Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach.  I am deeply passionate about working with busy women who want to take back control of their health. Women who’d like to feel more energetic, finally shed those stubborn extra pounds, bring hormones under control, reduce stress levels and improve the quality of their sleep. In the past where will power has not been sustainable, my professional training and skills will guide you through this journey of lifestyle transformation.


With my support and coaching skills I make sure that you actually enjoy the journey. My clients experience dramatic increases in energy levels, they enjoy long term weight loss without dieting or feeling deprived, they sleep better, are less stressed and feel happier and more confident.


You know you are not firing on all cylinders but taking the first step towards taking back control of those niggling health problems feels too much to take on.  You constantly feel stressed and pushed for time, you are lacking motivation so as usual you end up putting off your best intentions to get healthier and beat yourself up again for not sticking to your plans?


Do you find your weight is creeping up and affecting your self-confidence? Are you making bad food choices everyday?  Are you constantly feeling tired, moody and not sleeping well? Have you had enough and want to feel good about yourself but just don’t know where to start with all the confusing messages in the media?

I am here to take the guess work out of where to start, so that you can finally make the transformation you have been waiting for.



Health and fitness have always been a part of my life. Whether as a fitness instructor,   reflexologist or when running children’s exercise programmes, I’ve always been drawn to lifestyle improvement.


Life can be full of ups and downs. I certainly had my share of stressful life changing events in my 30’s and 40’s. Now, with the benefit of hindsight and a deeper understanding of how the body reacts under stress, I know that had it not been for regular exercise, love of the outdoors and a ‘relatively’ healthy diet, my experience of coping with these stressful events would have been different. It would have had a greater and longer lasting detrimental effect on my whole being.

How I can help you

My approach with clients is practical and supportive providing a safe environment allowing you to openly discuss any health concerns without judgement. We will work closely together exploring what really matters to you,  we’ll discuss your relationship with food, your likes and dislikes and agree on what steps can be put in place that are realistic and specific to your goals. 


I will be with you every step of the way encouraging, coaching and providing support.  With my guidance and inspiration you will learn the simple and practical tools towards living a healthier and balanced life without feeling deprived of the odd indulgence which makes it all the more possible for lasting results

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